Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Street Fighter 4

Need i say more???

Fight Night Round 4

Tyson vs. Ali... Who would win? Only one way we can find out now... I got next...

Ali or Tyson

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Aiight... I haven't played this yet. I'll prolly get it for Christmas (I'm a big kid). The game looks good though. Really good. I'm glad to see the fighting games coming back. They kinda fell off a bit. Yo, if any of ya'll played this game... let me know what you think... (leave a comment)

Oh, and for ya'll Street Fighter fans (my fav). I'll be posting a blog about the new jawn coming out... stay tuned...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ya'll Watch Heroes?

Season 3 : Ep. 13

Peter and Hiro rush to destroy the formula, while Sylar forces Claire to choose between saving her father or Angela.


For those that have been watching... Heroes has been up and down this season. But for the most part, they've been good. This is the season finale. Really good... It ends with a sneak peak of season/chapter 4. Shit done changed...

BTW... Heroes resumes Feb. 2, 2009. The day after the Super Bowl. Don't miss it!!

Jay-Z - Brooklyn Go Hard (Video)

Jay-Z on iLike - Get updates inside iTunes

Ok... ya'll gotta let me know what ya'll think about this one... I'll stay unbiased and just say:

Jay-Z releases yet another "Brooklyn" song which is said to be on the upcoming Notorious soundtrack. Again, he delivers a different feel for how he AND Brooklyn are to be received and perceived... And he fails to disappoint.

Ok... The Routine has been modified

Ok... maybe this is because I'm a new homeowner and wasn't thinking about it. Here's it is from the beginning....

My house is a split level. Meaning, when you come in the door... you can go upstairs or downstairs. My downstairs is sub level so it's partially underground. Essentially making it the basement. There is a back door to my house which leads to the mud room of my "basement". Right in front of the door, there is a drain that's used to filter water to our sump pump and then out to the street. It works really well. As long as the drain is clear...

The drain was covered with leaves and other debris. So water had collected at the bottom of the staircase leading to the back door. Once the water got high enough... it's poured into the house through the door. The mud room was entirely flooded and the water ended up getting under the walls and then under my carpet in my office (next to the mud room). WTF!!!

Long story short... I ended up spending most of my night and all of this morning trying to get things back normal... Which is, in this case, dry. I'm still working on it...

Needless to say, my routine has been interrupted and/or modified for today. It's like they say... be careful what you ask for...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Too Much Cotton

Is anyone else tired of waking up at the crack of dawn just to go to work. I know I am. I also have a web development company (just started) that keeps me busy when I get off of work. Somethings' gotta give. And I don't mean my business. My job is cool.. I like what I do, and I love the pay... I just hate the routine...
  1. Alarm clock goes off
  2. I hit snooze
  3. repeat steps 1 and 2 three times
  4. I get up and get myself together
  5. go to the PLANTATION
  7. go home
  9. go to sleep at 1AM
  10. do it all over agin.
Something's gotta give... I've got a lot going on in my big ass head... I'm looking for the calm.